Steak & Vegetable Skewer Prep

Shelf Life: 1 day.
Portion/Serving: 10 ea.
Revision Date: Nov 1, 2012


10 ea. Grape Tomatoes
40 oz. Flat Iron Steak – cut 1” dice – 4 pieces
20 pc. Red Onion – 1” dice
10 pc. Green Pepper – 1” dice
20 pc. Red Pepper – 1” dice
20 pc. Yellow Squash – ½” thick half moon
20 pc. Zucchini – ½” thick half moon
20 ea. Crimini Mushrooms – whole
10 oz. Ken’s Balsamic Dressing


  • Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Skewers
  • Hotel pan
  • Tongs
  • Foodservice gloves


1) Clean and cut the beef

2) Wash and cut all the vegetables

3) Assemble the skewer as follows – starting from the top

4) Tomato, red onion, zucchini, beef, red pepper, beef, green pepper, beef, red pepper, beef, yellow squash, red onion, mushroom to finish skewer

5) Place skewer in a hotel pan, cover with dressing. Be sure all items are coated

6) Cover pan, label and refrigerate for 4 hours or up to one day
