Pizza Sauce Prep

Shelf Life: 3 days
Portion/Serving: 6 gallons
Revision Date: Nov 1, 2012


10 cans Tomatoes, canned, San Marzano
3 cups Garlic, fresh, minced
48 oz. Olive Oil
6 cups Basil, washed, dried, fresh, chopped
1 cup Salt, Kosher
8 tsp. Black Pepper


  • Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Bowl
  • Burre mixer
  • Heavy bottomed sauce pan
  • Air tight container
  • Sauté pan
  • Foodservice gloves


  1. Drain the tomatoes and reserve the juice.
  2. Place the tomato juice in a hotel pan, place in a 350ºF oven and allow to reduce by 2/3.
  3. Using a burre mixer, chop the tomatoes, leaving some pulp.
  4. Finely chop the garlic.
  5. Heat the oil in a sauté pan, add the garlic, lower the heat and allow to cook without browning (about 2 -3 minutes).
  6. Combine all ingredients, blend well.
  7. Cover, label and refrigerate until needed.