
Shelf Life: 1 day
Portion/Serving: 14 portions, 6 ounce portions
Revision Date: Jul 1, 2013


2 bags Cuisine Solutions Risotto, frozen


Preheat convection oven to 350°F.

  1. Remove frozen risotto from bags and place in a shallow hotel pan.
  2. Place in preheated oven for 8 minutes.
  3. Remove, stir to evenly disperse and place back in oven for 4 more minutes.
  4. Remove and stir to incorporate. Be sure all rice has been thawed before portioning. If need be, continue cooking in the oven until thawed.
  5. Portion 6 ounces in to 14 metal ramekins.
  6. Wrap and store under refrigeration until ordered.